Tervis Spaa – minilinn keset kuurortit

Tervis Spaa hotell

Kiikasime seni ülekohtuselt tähelepanuta jäänud Tervise ravispaahotelli. Hotell oleks Tervise kohta vähe öelda, sest tegu on tõelise minilinnaga keset Pärnut. 

Eesti suvepealinnas võib spaavalikul lausa hätta jääda, sest nii palju erinevaid võimalusi võib leida veel vaid Tallinnast. Teeme otsa lahti Pärnu Tervises.

Laisal turistil pole põhjust siinse hotelli territooriumilt üle kilomeetri kaugemale minna.

Ööbimiskoht? Olemas. Tervis Spaa hotell väljast

Veekeskus? Olemas.

Spordi- ja jõusaal? Olemas.

Kultuurikeskus!? Olemas.

Hambaravi? Olemas.

Meestekliinik? Olemas.

Poed? Olemas.

Restoran + kokteilibaar? Olemas.

Raviosakond? Olemas.

Nimekiri võib veel pikalt jätkuda. Seetõttu on mõistetav, et peamajast antakse meile õige ööbimiskoha ja registreerimislauani jõudmiseks lausa kaart. Kaardil on mitu maja ja me asume enda oma otsima.

Lahke administraator võtab meid vastu imekaunis vastrenoveeritud majas ja juhatab esimesel korrusel asuvasse tuppa. Tuba on kaunis ja korralik. Lillakad toonid kogu maja peal ja ka toas meenutavad natuke Rakvere Aqva spaad, mis siiani kuulub mu spaaelamustes pedjestaali kõrgeimale astmele. 

Kahekohaline tuba
Kahekohaline tuba

Toas kangutame lahti rõduukse ja hõivame kohe kaks tooli. Vaade merele ja meie meelerahuks ka parklale, kus saame oma metallist sõbral silma peal hoida. Paarsada meetrit eemal lookleb juba rannaäärne kergliiklustee. Põhimõtteliselt võiks tossud jalga panna, üle rõdupiirde hüpata ja asuda kohe tervisejooksu tegema.

Umbes sama teeb reisikaaslane, kes tassib autost asju tuppa rõdu kaudu. „Nagu oleks taas koolipoiss plikadel öösel külas käies,“ itsitab ta jalgu aasta seni kõige kõrgemale tasemele tõstes.

Mulle pakub rõõmu hoopis tühi ja töötav külmkapp, kuhu saab kodust toodud kurgid hoiule panna. Ja ei peagi minibaaripättust tegema (hotellikraam välja, enda kraam sisse)!

Telekafänni heameeleks on seinas lameekraaniga pildikummut kümnete eri kanalitega. Oleks vaid vihmane ilm, ja polegi põhjust toast lahkuda!

Tervis spaa baar
Tervis spaa baar

Lähme tervet kompleksi avastama. Tervise spaa kolmas maja läbis põhjaliku renoveerimise lausa tänavu. Baari jõudes on tunda isegi värske naha lõhna, mis katab uhkeid pöördtoole. Kokteile saab nautida ka rõdul, kust avaneb hingemattev vaade merele ja tekitab tunde, et naudid lõunamaaluksuseid. Õhtul haarame baarist kaasa ka kaks kokteili, mida toas mõnuga luristame. Elu on mõnus!

Kui tavaliselt kuulub paketti vaid hommikusöök, siis Tervises saame osa ka õhtusöögist. Valida saab kana, kala, juurvilju taimetoitlastele, erinevaid kastmeid ja salateid, magustoiduks meekooki

Söögivalik Tervis spaas
Söögivalik Tervis spaas

Järgmisel hommikul viime noorima reisiselli peamajas asuvasse traumapunkti, kes oma põlve lõhki kukkus. Lahke ja hoolitsev meditsiiniõde puhastab hingepõhjast röökiva lapse põlve stoilise rahuga, paneb plaastri peale ja annab kingituseks veel teisegi haavakleepsu koos traumajärgse hoolduse õpetussõnadega kaasa.

Hommikulaud on rikkalik. Muna, vorstikesed, helbed, piim, jogurt, salatid, mahlad, saiad, määrded.

Kõhud täis, liigume saunakeskusesse, kaaslane aga protseduuri võtma. Tema saab mõnusa massaaži staažikalt töötajalt peamajas. 

Meie naudime põnniga lastebasseini. Korra proovime ka suurt mullivanni, kuid seal on raske lapsel sulistada. Ka 41kraadine Jaapani vann ei lähe talle peale, lisaks veel auru-, soola- ja aroomisaun. Küll mul oleks siin mõnulemist, rääkimata infrapunasaunast ja suurest ujumisbasseinist. Seekord lepin tunnise leotamisega lastebasseinis.

Tervis Spaa vee- ja saunakeskusMulle meeldib, et veekeskuses on meestel ja naistel ühine riietusruum. Just lapsega tegutsedes on niimoodi kergem ja samas ei teki sellist tüüpilist dilemmat: „Kas ma peaksin juba ruumist väljuma ja mind oodatakse või ma passin veel natuke siin duši all, et mitte veekeskuses pidevalt mureliku näoga teise riietusruumi ukse poole vahtida?“. 

Pärast sulistamist lähen ise massaaži ja naudin esmakordselt tugevamat mudimist. Tavaliselt vaadatakse, et väike naine tahab pai, aga mulle sobib just kõvem ragistamine. Konte päris ei

Massaaž Tervis spaas
Massaaž Tervis spaas

väänatud, kuid mõnusa läbikloppimise osaks sain siiski. Peaaegu oleks isegi magama jäänud, mis minuga tavaliselt massaažilaual ei juhtu. Meenutan ammust spaakogemust, kus massaaž kestis 20 minutit ja jättis keheva liinitöö mulje. Seekordne 45 minutit oli just paras ja piisav, et saada kehasse uus minek ja värskus.

Liigun tagasi toa poole, sest kätte on jõudnud väljaregistreerimise aeg. Kõnnin mööda hambaarstikabinetist ja mõtlen, et võiks juba ühekorraga selleaastase kontrolli ära teha. Ja jõusaali tahtsin ka minna! Lisaks pakutakse koormustesti, mida mul vaja oleks ning ilusalongis võiks ju ka mõne iluhoolduse ette võtta, no ja baari terrassil võiks kokteile nautida ja… ja.. ja…

Ilmselgelt on üks öö Tervise minilinnas liiga vähe. Hakkan mõtlema, et ilusa suvenädala korral on sellises kohas luksuse nautimine peaaegu sama hea kui Hispaania mõnes kuurortis suvitada. Aga miks mitte hoopis Eestis? Miks mitte Tervises?
Hea lugeja, kirjuta kommentaar, mida sina ootad ühelt spaahotellilt? Millised meelelahutus- ja lõõgastusvõimalused peaksid olema ühel spaal? Millistel põhjustel investeeriksid sina hoopis puhkusesse Eesti spaades, mitte kauge maa päikesereisi?
Kõikide kommenteerijate vahel loosime Hotelliveebi 25eurose kinkekaardi!


  1. Minagi pidasin Tervist piltide järgi( eriti SPA osa, kus on näha vaid 25m bassein ja lastekas) igavaks kohaks….Kuniks kevadel juhuslikult teise veekeskuse koristamispäeva tõttu sattusime sinna – oli meeldiv üllatus!! Minu lemmik kuum jaapani bassein, korralik haman jt. Nüüd ootan soodukaid, et perega sinna ööbimiseks saabuda!!!

    1. I thoroughly eejyond reading this piece of writing! I found it as such an encouragement to know that I’m not the only one who suffers from not feeling like their work is their own, and not wanting to make art for fear of others not appreciating it. I used to be in an art class at my high school. The first year it wasn’t too hard, and it was fun, but as I got into higher levels, the teacher started putting unrealistically high expectations on me. She would always say Do what you like! The work is for you! but then would turn around and tell you that you needed to add this or that to your painting to make it better, and wouldn’t let you turn the piece in until it was to her standards. I ended up getting great grades in the class, but at the expense of my ego and self-confidence. After awhile, I stopped feeling like the art was my own. Art became this thing I did to meet her expectations. My last year in her class, I only had two or three pieces of art that I liked and would be willing to call my own. That class had ruined my love of painting and drawing. But after reading this article, I suddenly got the painting bug, and it was a gloriously beautiful sensation. It reminded me that ordinary people can make great art, and that I COULD make art that was great and that I eejyond, as long as I made the art for myself and made it often. It doesn’t matter if the majority of people enjoy my art, as long as my friends and family (and most importantly myself) enjoy it.

  2. MIinu jaoks peab ühel mõnusal spaal olema lõõgastumiseks veekeskus, restoran/baar, meeldiv personal, puhtad ja korras ruumid. Ootaksin selliselt puhkuselt mõnusat ja rahulikku olemist. Spaa poolt võiks olla ka häid pakkumisi – mida teha, kuhu minna, et tutvuda ümbrusega või linnaga kus spaa asub. Eesti spaasid eelistan kindlasti heade pakkumiste ja spaa teenuste osas, suvel on ka meil päikselised ilmad ja ei peagi alati kaugele sõitma, et pisut puhata ja lõõgastuda.

    1. See how ya are? I don’t check in with ya for a couple motnhs, and you’re back in Mexico! Musta gone down I-205 with nary a wave.Reckon my subscription to your site didn’t take, so will try again.Watch out for the cartel wars, Dude!-Joel in ClackamasI didn’t go down I-205, I went east on I-84, then south. I was in the Portland area for a couple weeks but spent all my time on the east side this time. Sorry that your subscription didn’t take, I’ve installed a new provider applet but it’s now broken too. Trying to figure it out now.

      1. I know, right? I feel like it doesn’t make sense for me to like them, because I’m more of a Chloe9 or Ce9line kind of girl – but they aawlys have a couple of pieces that draw me in at first, and I end up liking everything they’ve done. Also, they have kick-ass styling, if you ask me. 🙂

  3. Tere.
    Spahotellil peavad olema korralikud basseinid, üks nendest korraliku pikkusega, nagu on Tallinna Kalev SPA-s.
    Peavad olema ka korralikud saunad, üks nendest puuküttega ja välibasseiniga nagu on Laulasmaa SPA-s.
    Ma pole Pärnu Tervis SPA-s käinud ja ma ei tea, kas sellised on seal olemas. Sellest tutvustusest siin, ei loe ka seda välja.
    Kuna Pärnu on mereäärne linn, siis peaks hommikulaua valikus olema ka kala, veel parem kui vääriskala nagu on Soome spahotellides.

    1. Well, the new thing is people are srantitg a custom menu to promote other bloggers. For example, the About page Like that, I guess it would be called a new page or custom menu .I prefer the blogroll though, because my theme only allows me to have(2) pages at the top of my blog, which is the home page and the about page .The how to of how to start a blogroll is on my post, Questions and Answers Blogger E-mails. The post gives exact instructions on how to start a blogroll (you may already know) just figured would state that in a comment of this post, for new readers.

      1. I agree that it’s horrible to be stuck at the end of the line with an aemtoatud self service system, but coming from an business-IT background I understand why a company might want to do that. Assuming each call takes on average 10 minutes to resolve, each full-time staff tending to customers at the end of the line will only be able to serve 6 people an hour (and in this case, the second person would have to wait ten minutes, the third twenty, the fourth thirty and so on).It’s often not feasible to have enough staff on hand (especially given the unpredictability of when there’ll be a sudden influx of calls) to ensure all callers are entertained in a timely manner.Having an aemtoatud self service system provides the customer the possibility of solving their own problem, and/or at least buys the staff some time while they’re tending to other customers. Those who stay on the line are those who most probably need the help, creating a sort of self-filtering system.As a consumer who has had spent many an hour holding on the line just wishing and praying for a human at the end of the line I understand where you’re coming from. But as a business person I certainly understand why there’s a need for such an aemtoatud system.

  4. Just viibisime Tervises.Meeldivalt üllatunud kuna oli tehtud remonti ja meil oli väga ilus ja puhas tuba.samuti äge uus katusebaar ilusa vaatega.Protseduurid olid tasemel-varem olen sattunud viletsa masööri juurde.seekord oli super.Ainus miinus kogu asja juures on soomalsed-meeletus koguses ja vaikust oli vast mõned tunnid öösel.Miks investeeriksin puhkusesse Eestis-käepärasus,mugavus kohale saamisel,ajavõit ,ja väike toetus ka oma Eesti majandusele:))))

  5. Tervise Spa ongi olnud aastaid meie pere lemmik spa-ks. Hea asukoht, mõnus hoone, kus rahvast on palju, aga ikka on mõnus ja privaatne olla. Head protseduurid, alati võimalus valida ning leida endale meelepärane – meeldivad ja lahked teenindajad. Maitsev, mitmekesine, valikutevõimalustega toit. Lisaks hubased kohvikud ja baarid. Lastele meeldivad mängutuba ja spordisaal. Ning kindlasti kõikide lemmik – veekeskus-spa. Puhas, hubane, erinevate võimalustega. Kui vaid hinnad oleks peredele soodsad, siis võtaks ikka ja jälle ette puhkuse Pärnus.

    1. Te4pselt samad emotsioonid mis talesival tf6f6inimesel peale puhkust Ainult selle vahega, et tavaline tf6f6inimene fcldjuhul puhkuse ajal palgatf6f6le ei mf5tle aga Sina vist natuke liigutasid ikka.

      1. This logo looks really prsaoesionfl. It makes me want to create a company just to slap this sweet logo on it. Oh wait, you’ve already done that! Let me know when you need an assistant. Miss you bro, tons.

  6. Ühes korralikus spahotellis peab olema suur vee- ja sauna keskus koos baariga, paljude erinevate saunade ja ujumis võimalustega. Samuti peaks olema õhtuti võimalus tantsida elavamuusika järgi. Hea söök ja korralik teenindus peavad loomulikult ühe hotelli juurde käima. Olen olnud Tervis SPA külaline ja jäin väga rahule ja külastan kindlasti seda veel aga saunade ja basseinide valik võiks olla suurem.

      1. Dear DonnHere is the correct arocpaph that should be taken by a corporation in providing customer service:a) identify the service than can be handled by self-service, e.g checking of account balance, reward points, etc.b) identify the service that need to be handled by a human person.Allow the customer by go to (b) straight way, without wasting a lot of time on automated messages.A few corporations have adopted this sensible arocpaph and their customer service has improved significantly, without loss of productivity.But, sadly just a few. The other corporations continue to use the bad arrangement and cause frustration to their customers!

  7. Rahulik miljöö, palju diivaneid ja sohvasid istumiseks ja hubaseks olemiseks, kus olla vabalt ka hommikumantlis ja seda ka terve spa ja hotelli piires.

    1. oh sa kullakene, tf5mba nfcfcd rsaood prillid pe4he, siis pole hullu midagi! Kui pe4ris rahul ei ole, siis on hea mf5elda, et je4rgmine tuleb palju parem. Ja kfcll ta tuleb, kus ta pe4e4seb!Sa oled ve4ga produktiivne ja usin ja su asjad on erilised! Mf5ned aastad tagasi tellisin sinult taldriku ja nfcfcd jf5uluajal kfclas ke4ies kiitis kingisaaja sind ikka veel! Poolik praemuna ne4eb sama nett ja ve4rske ve4lja- kiitus sulle, tf6f6 korralik ja sf6f6dud on sealt pealt omajagu.Tervitused ja uuel aastal loodan, et meie fchine vankrike saab vaikselt veerema lfckatud!

      1. I have emailed spalrateey, but when the only cycle lane in Holbeach (Fleet Road) has cars parked nose to tail most of the day, can somebody tell me what was the purpose? I notice in the projected plan, cycle ways, which means, car parking areas!I know, how many times have we been told it is not enforceable, it can be made so. There is a lack of will on behalf of the council and police. Before future planning, with pie in the sky distant projects which will not come to fruition, but does bring certain Councillors to public notice, is it just possible that they will attend to unfinished matters?

  8. Põlise pärnakana külastan Tervis Spa-d üsna tihti ja iga kord saan sealt elamuse, milles pole pidanud veel pettuma. Mõnus ja hubane veekeskuse osa, eriti veel külmadel talveõhtutel, kui süüdatakse küünlad, kutsub mind alati tagasi. Jõusaali osa on samuti asjalik, hoolimata oma suurusest. Külastan veel ja veel, sest ei näe suvisest Pärnust paremat kohta 🙂

    1. I really like the new park, esaplielcy the plaza and the idea of the furniture. The specific design of the chairs I’m not crazy about because of the backs- they have a very high head rest with a big hole between that and the seat. The first (and only!) time my two-year-old climbed into one he tried to lean back and ended up falling right through the hole in a pretty scary way.I love the garden on the west side. On the east side, I thought the plan included doubling the width of the sidewalk so that there would be more room to walk around the farmers’ market without walking through the grass? It is already becoming clear that there is too much foot traffic to maintain the grass on that stretch. At first I was sad at how many trees were cut down, but now I’m really liking the space. It still feels shaded, and the extra grassy areas provide more usable space.Thanks!

      1. Ceasar Milan’s Ceasar’s Way Is the best book that I have read on dog training. I have an 11month old Golden Retriever. When I was ppirareng to get her, I had read many books How To Train Your Golden Retriever, Golden Retriever’s for dummies, etc. I wish I had read this book first!!! He is the only trainer that really understands dogs and the psychology of dog training. Some people don’t like the fact that he uses force with the dogs during training. It isn’t brut force, it’s mearly a touch, just to get their attention. Since my husband I have read his book, my dog is walking on the leash w/o pulling!!! She also gets on the treadmill. It’s amazing!!!

  9. Pole veel jõudnud minna,aga on plaanis ja lähen kindlasti,sest olen kuulnud ainult kiidusõnu

    1. but I want to provide only one quesoitn and then draw a few conclusions from what I think the answer to that quesoitn is. This will be choppy because I don’t want to write a treatise.Q.) What is the very nature of insurance?A.) The nature of insurance is to pay someone to assume some risk for you. You are, in effect, trading your money for a sense of security.Conclusions:1) If you’re not paying for it, it’s not insurance it’s welfare.2) If it is truly insurance then you -are- paying for it somehow. You may not realize how or when you will pay for it but someone will pay for it. No one will assume your risk without being compensated for it.3) Insurance is not a right. No one has a right to demand someone else cover their risk. We are all born in a volatile life and we have no guarantees of security. If you cannot pay for insurance than you have no right to insurance.4) You either pay for your medical bills or you pay for your insurance; to fail to pay for either of these is to pass your financial obligation on to someone else.I think, in the end, we all want to feel secure. We (Americans) are accustomed to security. We’re so accustomed to it that we think it is an inalienable right owed to everyone. We thus think that everyone deserves insurance. I think this is wrong. We will all have health problems eventually. We all will die. This is something we have to deal with. I think this whole healthcare debacle is an extension of our humanistic hubris we think ourselves as in control and wish to bring all things under our control.We are foolishly trying to make security an idol and fighting a quixotic battle in an attempt to conquer even death itself. But we cannot conquer death. We all have to pay the piper someday. Universal healthcare will not stop our demise; it will only prolong it. And that is the irony of it all. In our search for security at the expense of all else we are undermining the very thing we think we want.

      1. David,I will get the plan team to comment on this, but Holbeach aodirccng to the Flood Risk Maps I have seen is not high Risk. High Risk only runs up as far as the A17. Holbeach itself would appear to be a low hazard with a danger to some if all the sea defences are breached at the same time, which is highly unlikely. Bearing in mind the significance of the food production and grade 1 silt land to the national economy, I can assure you flood defences in our area will continue to be maintanined, even in the current economic situation we find ourselves in.Nick

  10. Olen külastanud TERVIST juba mitmeid aastaid ja jään ikka rahule,eriti peale remonti,kõik on SUPER ,tulen see talv jälle KOHTUMISENI!!!

    1. I know how it can feel I attempted suidcie when I was 19, and thought about it years before hand. Please don’t do it. I’m now 38, happy, with great friends and a good job life does get better! Even if it seems you are all alone, and that nobody will ever like/love you or understand, there ARE people out there that are good. You may not have met them yet, but they do exist, and life DOES get better.

      1. Vau, tuli kylle4 ihan ylle4tyksene4 te4me4 🙂 tulin kattelemaan sun 12 sivua ja kun ne4in urnnvoan palkinnon ajattelin ette4 oi kun olis ihania papereita ja sitten jo huomasinkin ette4 me4 olen voittanut ne 😀 (ja btw ei viele4 ike4 ike4ve4 kylle4 riite4 lottoomiseen 😉 Ja on muuten ihania sivuja, Leidit- ja Mummin tekeme4 ruoka-leiskat on mun lemppareita, kauniita ve4reje4 ja kivoja kuoseja 🙂

  11. Ei ole ka veel TERVIST sattunud külastama, aga nende positiivsete kommentaaride põhjal tasuks tõsiselt kaaluda!!!

    1. I’m glad to see the park opened again, but hapeenpd to the volleyball court? And more importantly, why is there a giant, flat, gravel circle with no plants in it? The circle is REALLY big, taking up a lot of the prime park landscape that people come to enjoy. (A lot of us live in apartments or divided-up row houses with tiny yards, and this is the only green we have access to.) I know you probably put a lot of work into the new design, so I hate to say this, but I was kind of bummed to see the way the park looks now. Perhaps some shrubs and a fountain could remedy the gravel circle situation?

      1. My biggest piaftll has always been my inability to take care of the kiddos and keep the house in a serviceable manor… One of the first things that we (Mrs. Jacks and I) noticed, was that the house was much cleaner when I went back to work in an office. But then again, trying to work from home and take care of children leaves little time for house keeping!

  12. Teeme otsa lahti Pärnu Tervises.
    Ok. Olulisim, miks seal käin ja jälle tagasi lähen, on sealne personal. Inimeselt inimesele. 🙂
    Koormus-test ja hambaravikabinet võib olla, aga inimlik vastuvõtt, vahetu soojus ja teretulemast taas! peab olema.
    Turundajad seda ei näe ja seda ei hinda ja oma püksikutest võivad nad või välja hüpata, aga kui see on kadunud, siis see on kadunud.
    Vähem lapse-eas turundajaid ja rohkem inimlikust teeninduses tagavad 200% edu. Õnneks Pärnu tervises on asjad veel tasakaalus. Peatse taaskohtumiseni!

    1. Art rests fundamentally upon taelnt, and that taelnt is a gift randomly built into some people, and not others. A line from a book Art & fear by David Bayles and Ted Orland. This I can agree and disagree with. I tend to believe that everyone is their own artist in the way they show themselves. Art may be many different things besides paintings or photography. From style of clothes, choice in vehicle, or even type of music that they like to listen to. Many of these make up different characteristic that make each of us unique from the other. When somebody customizes their laptop with skins, truck with lift kits, cars rolling on dubs, or body with tattoos, others may see this and like what they see. I also think it depends on how far the individual is willing to go is what makes them an artist . Some people may be afraid of the response that they may get and quit ahead of time before experiencing humiliation. Unfortunately, we all may have experienced this as kids when going to school. As we grow older the tainted memories may hold many of us back from our potential to grow, but there are still many of us that are able to overcome the criticism that we received and go on to do a lot of amazing things. There are many forms of taelnt in our world. As we strive to do better for ourselves, the possibilities may be endless.

      1. Its like you read my mind! You seem to understand a lot about this, like you wrote the e book in it or soeimhtng. I think that you can do with some p.c. to power the message home a bit, however instead of that, this is wonderful blog. A great read. I’ll definitely be back.

  13. Tervis on tõesti hästi tore koht Pärnus, kuhu võiks puhkama minna, sest seal on kõik kohapeal olemas. Ja kuna meil on tavaks sügis/talvel käia erinevates Eesti spa-des, siis mis oleks veel parem, kui kõik basseinid, poed jne asuvad kõik nii lähestikku nagu Tervises.

    1. Hi Dan, I’d be interested in how you think this works in the age of the web. I think reivews are here to stay. I think blogs, in some form or another, are here to stay. I’d say, as someone on the fringe of the specialty coffee movement, the biggest problem facing those seeking to make excellent coffee is one of consumer education. Surely the internet has some role to play in that wouldn’t having more educated reviewers (yourself included) be a good thing? Rather than a bad thing? Isn’t the problem perpetuated by too many extra-hot-soy-latte drinkers putting their hands up to review cafes while those who do know what they’re talking about stay silent. Obviously it’s pretty hard to get a voice in the mainstream media but I would have thought (coming from a PR background) that starting off writing in industry mags and online is a road to the mainstream

  14. Mulle väga meeldis Tervises. Ma ei ole mingi suur ujuja või veeatraktsioonide kasutaja ja Tervises käin puhtalt saunamõnusid nautimas. Eriti meeldib Jaapani vann. Soovitan minna päiksepaistelisel talvepäeval, siis on kontrast kõige ägedam!!!

    1. 高田様へ「わかってもらおう」ということ自体、幻想とわかった今日この頃です。今朝のじゃれマガを読んでくださった皆様へ。これは今年2月20日のジャレル先生の文章を真似て「英借文」しながら書いたものです。 Feb.20th 2013What is the difference beeetwn children and adults? There are many differences. Children are small and adults are big. Children have so much energy that they can’t stop moving. Most adults have lost that energy. Many little children are not shy when they go on stage. They look and wave at the people watching them. They sing so loud that you can’t hear the melody. Many adults are scared of going on stage. They try not to look at the audience.浜島書店 英文メールマガジン「じゃれマガ」

      1. Hmm, I don’t think I know your cuz and I’m not sure what issue you’re referring to but just the same Thanks! hope to see you aronud some more.

  15. Tere! Ülaltoodud võimalused on just need, mis peaksid ühel õigel spaal olema. Enda valikutes lähtun alati, et oleks olemas veekeskus saunadega ja tubade hubasus. Muidugi pean ka tähtsaks mõnusat ja kosutavad hommikusööki ja nagu lugesin, on võimalus nautida ka maitsvat õhtusööki. Olen korra Tervise Spas viibinud ja jäin väga rahule. Professionaalne teenindus ja mõnus olesklemine 🙂 Külastan spaasi enamasti sügis-talvisel ajal, sest siis vajab keha pimeduse ja külma eest põgenemist. Ja mis oleks parem, kui üks mõnus puhkus ja lõõgastav spaa 🙂 Aitäh, et tegite nii toreda ülevaate, tuleb varsti sammud uuesti Tervisesse seada. Ilusat suve jätku!

    1. i am a 13 year old female to male trngnaesder but after kinder garden my family stopped accepting my behavior so i was told i had to act like a girl from everyone but my brother. i still continue living mostly as a girl but at school my friends lend me boys cloths and call me mitchel instead of the name my parents gave me which is michelle. even my teachers started to call me by mitchel and call me he instead of she. you just have to find the right friends and they can support you the whole way even if some people dont.

  16. Eelmisel aastal esimest korda külastasin. Nagu tavaks öelda siis hinna ja kvaliteedi suhe on hästi paigas. Eriti mõnus oli saunakeskus.

    1. o remove sccrtahes from glass / windows: 1. First wipe the class clean using a soft lint-free cloth. 2. Then smear toothpaste over the glass and make sure it completely covers the scratch. 3. Squeegee off any excess toothpaste with a new razor-blade. 4. Let the toothpaste dry thoroughly 5. Polish with a soft dry cloth

      1. . Your favorite resaon seemed to be at the internet the easiest thing to understand of. I say to you, I definitely get irked even as people think about concerns that they just don’t recognize about. You controlled to hit the nail upon the top as smartly as defined out the whole thing with no need side effect , other folks could take a signal. Will probably be again to get more. Thank youThat is very attention-grabbing, You are an excessively skilled blogger. I’ve joined your feed and stay up for looking for more of your wonderful post. Also, I’ve shared your website in my social networks!

  17. Mulle meeldib nii soojal maal kui ka Eestimaa SPA – des käia! Enamus spaad on ka juba läbi käidud ja head pakkumised olen pea alati saanud Hotelliveebist 🙂
    SPA-s peab olema mõnus ja hubane, ujumisvõimalused ja erinevad saunad ning mullivann.Paha ei teeks ka hoolitsused ja hea massaaž, mida alati võtan.Tervise Spaas polegi veel käinud ja loodan juba esmaspäeval sinna minna!

  18. Olen mitmed korrad viibinud Pärnus ja sealhulgas külastanud ka Tervise Päikeseloojangu baari, kust on võrratu vaade merele ja loojuvale päikesele. Minu jaoks on see super. Nagu öeldakse – miljonivaade. Sellele lisaks oli seal meeldiv ja tasemel teenindus.Hea oli kommentaarist lugeda, et Teil on tasemel spaa. Mõnuga puhkaks Tervises.

      1. Thanks for the thoughts you are givnig on this blog. Another thing I’d prefer to say is the fact getting hold of some copies of your credit profile in order to scrutinize accuracy of each detail will be the first action you have to perform in credit restoration. You are looking to clean up your credit profile from destructive details faults that screw up your credit score.

  19. Olime just hiljuti sõbrannaga kahekesi Tervises ja jäime mõlemad väga rahule. Kõik oli täpselt nii nagu paketis lubatud ,mugav rõduga hotellituba, mõnusalt lõõgastav massaaz mõlemale, maitsev õhtu- ja hommikusöök ning loomulikult kõige rohkem nautisime sauna-ja spakeskuse mõnusid ning seda lausa mõlemal päeval ligi 2 tundi. Klienditeenindusele jagan ka ainult kiidusõnu, õhkkond oli väga sõbralik. Arvan, et külastame Tervist teinegi kord ja siis juba terve oma suure perega. Tänud teile veelkord. 🙂

    1. I agree with the article to a cearitn extent. I believe that art isn’t created just by those who have the talent to do so but also is created by those who may not have the same talent , but through hard work and determination, get to the same skill level as those with the talent . I disagree, however, with the amount of emphasis that is put on whether or not people like the art you create. After the section entitled Making art and viewing art are different at their core , I felt like the rest of the article was a self-help book. It seemed almost as if the point that Bayles and Orland were attempting to make was you’re not famous yet because , and I find that to be ridiculous, and should not be the purpose in art, or the purpose for you to get better at art it should be a personal choice.

      1. At first glance the plans for the Western side of Holbeach look quite priimsong.At this time (April 2012) the only comment I would make is that although Northons Lane is due to be closed off following the development of the roundabout, I would like to see (and I’m sure so would many of my neighbours) Northons Lane closed as soon as the residential sites have been purchased by the developers if the purchase is made before the erection of the roundabout as it is essential that there is no through traffic to any new building site.Northons Lane at the Western end is single track.

  20. Olen käinud ja väga meeldis aga spa paketidele võiks rohkem soodustusi olla ning pärnu kuursaaliga võiks koostööd teha.

      1. Tack! Ja, vill du ha le5ng blomning och ne5got som ve4xer sbnabt se5 e4r ju viticella-gruppen bra. Dom e4r e4ven te5liga. De jag har skrivit om som tillhf6r denna grupp e4r Mary Rose och Carmencita men jag har fler av denna grupp och det finns massor, det beror mycket pe5 vilken fe4rg och form pe5 blomman man vill ha. Man kan e4ven bland med tidigblommande fre5n t.ex attragene-gruppen se5 har du blommor fre5n ve5r till hf6st.

    1. Hei! Opiskelen Joensuun yliopistossa ke4sityf6tiedette4 ja olen tekeme4sse4 pro gradu tuklietmaa neuleblogeista. Kysely on tarkoitettu henkilf6ille, jotka pite4ve4t neuleblogia. Kyselyyn vastaaminen vie noin 15-20 minuuttia. Kyselyyn voi vastata 26.5.2008 asti. Kyselylle4 selvitete4e4n blogien ja bloggaamisen merkityste4 ke4sitf6iden tekemiseen seke4 neuleblogien verkostoitumista ja yhteisf6llisyytte4. Olisitko yste4ve4llinen ja ke4visit tekeme4sse4 kyselyn oheisesta linkiste4:Kyselyyn vastaajien kesken arvotaan kolme neuleaiheista palkintoa. Yste4ve4llisin terveisin: Katja Vilhunen

      1. Sf6pf6 sine4, tui tui! Mun tekee nyt ihan hirvee4sti mieli glf6gie4, en pe4e4se te4ste4 mieliteosta yli:-D Pite4e4ks mun rahuautaa kauppaan…..ps. ihana penaali! Mulla on tuota kuosia huivi ja munkin penaali on marimekolta, tosin eri kuosi vaik samat ve4rit hi!

  21. Oln mitu korda ostnud paketti aeg maha, ausalt kümne palli süsteemis annan hindeks 12. Toad olid väga puhtad korralikud, nii ilus vaadak, veekeskus ja hommikusöök oli väga raikkalik. Ma kinkisin paketi emale/isale pulmaaastapäevaks ja paarile tutavale veel -kõik jäid rahule. Kõikidele noortele ütlen- võib olla on jäänud nõuka ajast arusaamine et Pärnus tervis on vanemaealistele, lükkan selle väite ümber. Meie noored teismelised tundisid selles hottelis ennast väga mugavalt ja teenindus on super. Noored võiksid veelgi enam avastada Pärnu tervis -see on väga ilus asukoht, korralik teenindus, puhtad toad ja hea söök. Hommikusöögil oli sampanja !

    1. Neat idea, Liz. You’ve inspired me to start one. I like the idea, too, of ciganhng to promote others.I wanted you to note that I have several pages on my blog below the header and we have the same theme. I see you are using yours above your header. You can have some below the header, too. It was tricky for me to figure out but I finally did. Let me know if you need some help with it.Alexandria

      1. Ne4e4, ma just pidasin plnaai minna Pf5hjakasse sf6f6ma, kui suuna Viljandisse vf5tan. Ainult, et pe4rast jaani… Kaaahju, et ei kohtu ega saa su roogi maitsta! Edu tf6f6sse! 🙂 Kersti

  22. See aeg maha pakett on täitsa mõnus! Oleme seda mitu korda kasutanud ja meeldib väga see spa.
    Kindlasti sügisepoole kasutame jälle.

    1. it before eweslhere, but I generally make a point of not reading reviews. If they are by someone I respect in regards to their palate or coffee knowledge/experience to make any comment, I might consider it. I also don’t do reviews. I’ve been asked by magazines/websites/blogs/forums etc to do cafe reviews and have declined. (n.b. this is especially since I’ve been in the industry, though have made random comments on forums in past years when I was a rookie). I honestly just don’t think that someone with no credentials should give a review. It’s amazing how little comments in a review can influence customers going to or not going to a cafe. I’m all about cafe’s and coffee joints letting their product speak for themselves and clients to make their own personal choice. When it comes down to it, most of the reviews are not objective and infuriate me. I don’t think some chump who has extra hot soy lattes with 2 sugars has any cred when it comes to reviewing specialty coffee. Personally, even I, who roasts coffee, cups it for quality, makes/trains it as espresso and manual brews, objectively judges it in coffee competitions, then hangs out in cafes on my days off, ; has sufficient cred for reviewing cafes. There are too many reviewers out there that should keep their opinions to themselves and their 6 followers who read their blogs.

      1. I’ve been exploring for a lttlie for any high quality articles or blog posts on this sort of house . Exploring in Yahoo I at last stumbled upon this site. Studying this information So i am happy to convey that I have an incredibly good uncanny feeling I found out exactly what I needed. I so much without a doubt will make sure to do not disregard this web site and provides it a glance on a continuing basis.

  23. Olen nüüd terve aasta olnud spaade tihe külastaja.Saaremaast kuni Narva-jõesuuni,kuid Pärnu on kuidagi vahele jäänud.Olen jälginud pakkumisi,sest mulle meeldivad kõige rohkem veeprotseduurid.Tundus,et Pärnu Tervises neid eriti palju ei ole.Olen ilmselt reklaami ohver,peaks sealt ka läbi käima.Äkki hakkab meeldima

    1. I almost alyaws go the social option in game because I have a hard time setting aside my empathy in just about anything I do, and I really like talking to folks.It’s easier if I can’t make out my foes’ faces, and they’re dumb as rocks. I have some hilarious experiences to share for next week.

      1. that is very kind, it is the promotion of other blogregs that makes the community go round and round. Not only that, love to learn of other cultures from across the globe. Learned much from blogregs in England, China, Russia, Gibraltar, Cambodia, Argentina, and America. All writers are artists, (Mila) on the blogroll taught me this fact.Hope you may get some sleep and I thank you for promoting Eccentric. You promoted this site and brought a lot of traffic and comments. I thank you for the promotion of Eccentric (even though not always politically correct).Takes guts to promote a politically incorrect site. You have guts and charisma!

  24. Pärnu parim SPA asub Tervises: toredad erinevad saunad ja mullivann. Jaapani vann on eriti super!

      1. Others say that they are nothing more than spam that peolpe have learned to ignore. There is even a petition started by Kyle Lacy to ban auto DM’s. Phil Baumman also wrote a sarcastic post on 17 Inspirational and Creative Ways to spam someone

  25. Olen eesti spaade sage külastaja – paar korda aastas.Loomulikult on esmatähtis puhtus ja meeldiv teenindus .Tervises on see olemas ja seal veedetud aeg oli tõeline puhhkus..

    1. The author makes a good point rraiedgng how the modern social institution of art can often lead to a variety of self-fulfilling prophecies. There is at one point in this reading mention of how those who are branded as natural-talents are often given supportive praise, attention, and the resources necessary to better themselves. This sort of public attitude (especially at an early age in the artist’s career) can have a profound impact on the artist and propel them to heights that they may not have reached if left alone. Conversely, if a fledgling artists lacks the necessary abilities to immediately impress their audience, then they will often get little to no recognition for their work and subsequently, they may experience a sense of inadequacy which may discourage them from pursuing future artistic endeavors.I do however take issue with how the authors seem to discourage the recent individualization of art. While it certainly has its flaws (such as allowing people to maintain a persona of stoic pretension whenever anybody else dislikes their art; or the lack of accountability that has arisen to combat artistic idleness), ultimately I see this as a positive thing. Since individuals are free to pursue whatever subject matter that they find pleasing to them, there is a far greater variety in art today than there was 300 years ago. People no longer feel pressured to appease the church or whatever city-state is employing them and as a result there has been a massive influx in artistic variance. Admittedly not all of this is high quality art but the fact that it exists ensures that there will be a greater source of inspiration for the next generation and the subsequent generations after that as well. So though there is not nearly as much accountability in art as there was in decades past, ultimately we are on an accelerated path of artistic evolution so long as we maintain this sense of artistic individualism.

      1. Subsideerimisest- kui vaatad IEA uuiungrst kus ja mida subsideeritakse, siis avastad, et valdavalt (fcle 90%) on see nafta ja gaasi subsideeritud hindadega(maailmaturu hinnast madalama hinnaga) mfcfcmine oma kodanikele poliitilistel eesme4rkidel (riikides nagu Venezuela, Saudi Araabia, Iraan, India ja gaasi osas ne4iteks Venemaa). Subsideerimine ei ole see, et need riigid ei maksusta naftatooteid samamoodi nagu Euroopa Liit- see oleks ju absurdne.Seda Sa Taavi aga ve4idad, et kuna Eestis ei vf5eta mingit X tasu pf5levkivilt, siis subsideeritakse.Teine subsideerimise vorm on otsene nagu Saksamaal ja Hispaanias veel fcksikutele kivisfctt kaevandatavatele ettevf5tetele maksmine, et nende toodetava kivisf6e hind oleks konkurentsivf5imeline maailmaturu hindadega.

  26. Meeldib kindlasti, kui on rõdudega toad Spa-des…eriti veel , kui vaade on merele..hubased veekeskused oma erinevate saunadega meeldivad samuti 🙂 Põhjuse Eestimaa spa-de külastuseks leiab alati, kui võimalusi rohkem oleks..sellised minipuhkused annavad hingele kosutust ja on mida uuesti oodata!!!!

    1. On the chess tables: an impnrtaot finding. Maybe we need to order a few bigger movable tables then perhaps with funds raised by the Chess Centurions, or by working with them in some other way. Stencil em, PLEASE LET CHESS PLAYERS USE THIS TABLE . Maybe a related-but-different color as well yellow ocher or something to signal their specialness. Chess tables need to be bigger but only have 2 chairs (kibbitzers expect to stand).A good question about the location of the tables. We should try this experiment ourselves sometime, Brian. One impnrtaot part of this plaza’s concept is to demonstrate movability & flexibility. Somebody may have to put the ball into play, so to speak, and that somebody, logically, is us.Everybody I’ve talked with at the FoCP table at the Farmers’ Mkt about this movability/user-designed configuration concept of the Plaza, gets it. Deeply. Everyone thinks it’s a brilliant way of planning-without-planning of letting users shape the plaza’s future development. It really strikes a gong and wins wide respect.

  27. Oleme käinud Tervis Spas korduvalt ja Oleme rahul . Kodumaine spa on hea, sest teenindajatega saab suhelda oma keeles, siianii on kõik protseduuride tegijad sattunud oma ala meistrid. Oleme rahul toiduvalikuga ja oleme alati nautinud Tervis Spas veedetud aega.

    1. Your letter makes me so sad that you are going thrguoh this. I wish you courage, I wish you strength, I wish you hope and move of all I wish you peace and much love. Hang in there and know you are not by yourself and it will get better. I love you and am sending you a big hug .

      1. Howard, good to see you yesterday! As far as I am conrecned I wouldn’t want to see any development on that site until a roundabout is built that has got to come first, otherwise we will just make matters worse.I would also agree that Northons Lane does not want any construction traffic on it, should the site be developed, so totally agree with your comments.Cllr Nick Worth

  28. Sattusime Tervis SPAsse mõned suved tagasi. Oli ilus suveilm ning rahvast nõnda vähe, et oli vaid mõni üksik külastaja peale meie. Nautisime SPA basseini ning saunu ja jälle basseini ja jälle saunu – tundsime end tõeliste kuningatena. Ilmselt just vaikuse ja rahu tõttu on jäänud see mu toredaimaks SPA-külastuseks üldse. Olen küll viibinud SPAdes nii siin kui seal, ka vaid abikaasaga kahekesi, kuid sellist kulgemise tunnet pole pärast enam tekkinud.

    1. that is very kind, it is the promotion of other bgorgels that makes the community go round and round. Not only that, love to learn of other cultures from across the globe. Learned much from bgorgels in England, China, Russia, Gibraltar, Cambodia, Argentina, and America. All writers are artists, (Mila) on the blogroll taught me this fact.Hope you may get some sleep and I thank you for promoting Eccentric. You promoted this site and brought a lot of traffic and comments. I thank you for the promotion of Eccentric (even though not always politically correct).Takes guts to promote a politically incorrect site. You have guts and charisma!

      1. Oh milline sunils suvef5htu see oli! Nii hf5rk ja imeline muusika! Te olete Hedvig ja Andre lihtsalt parimad! Aite4h teile sfcdamest!Pe4rast kontserti koju jalutades fcmisesime neid kauneid viise aga fcks ei tulnud ega tulnud kuidagi meelde. See oli me4letamist mf6f6da Anne Veski kunagine laul. Igatahes kf5las see Hedvigi esituses ve4ga kaunilt!Ja see teie muusika lihtsalt sobib nii he4sti Muhumaale, Pe4dastesse mere e4e4rde. Kuulasime f5htul hilja veel Hedvigu plaati ritsikad siristasid ja meri oli nii vaikne! Lihtsalt imeline muusika! Seda ilu je4tkub tf5esti kauaks ja loodame ve4ga je4rgmisel aastal teid je4lle ne4ha!Kf5ike paremat!

  29. Nii tore ja rõõmustav on lugeda, et Tervisel on sellised fännide hordid! Tavaliselt, ükskõik kus on võimalus kommenteerida mõnd spaad, on 50/50 ülistavaid ja põlastavaid komme…Eestlased on ju olemuselt vingurid, kes maksta hea meelega ei tahaks, aga 5-tärni teenust saada – seda kindlasti! Alati leitakse põhjusi virisemiseks..Aga nüüd – hakka või uskuma, et eestlased on olemuselt muutunud rahulolevateks ja lahketeks inimesteks, kes kiidusõnadega ei koonerda! Seda on tore tõdeda!

    1. surprised you had time to coemnmt. Well, bloggers do tend to get angry at Liz. They think, why did she take me off the blogroll? It has nothing to do with their blog. Make sure their blogs are doing good, then promote brand new bloggers to WordPress. So, if I see their coemnmts are doing great, Liz promotes a new blog. I enjoy helping others and also love to see brand new bloggers get excited about writing!Once their blog is off to a good start, promote 4 more new bloggers, that I enjoy. However, I do keep my favorites on the blogroll. Those are as follows:You (Rebecca)Roughseasinthemed (favorite blog)Mikey (helped me get started)TimeThief (helped me too)BossyMoksie makes me laugh out-loud. She doesn’t hold back. The others are bloggers that will be on the roll until next month. Still follow them and coemnmt. Just feels good to help others get coemnmts and new thoughts, ideas etc. People helped me when I first started good idea to return this favor, I think anyway. Just something to do with my spare time.Hope you have gotten some sleep Rebecca.

      1. Hedvig, Andreootan te4nast kontserti Laitses, kuhu le4hen oma puabakeest ve4ljakasvava tfctrega. Piletid te4nasele kontserdile ostis ta mulle fcllatuskingituseks oma taskurahast! See te4nane kontsert on tema poolt vabatahtlik ja te4hendab, et tf5siselt vf5etav (ja mulle nii hingele4hedane) muusika hakkab noorele pe4rale jf5udma!! Te4nud teile ja ilusat kontserdielamust oodates! Kats

  30. Ühes heas spaahotellis võiks olla mitmeid erinevaid basseine ja saunasid, et esimese paari tunni jooksul saaks uudistavalt ringi vaadata ja siis rahulikult lõõgastuda. Muidugi on olulised restoran, huvitavad ajaveetmise võimalused, hea asukoht. Investeerin spaapuhkusesse, sest töögraafiku tõttu pole võimalik pikki soojamaa reise teha ja lisaks on need tunduvalt kulukamad ning tihti need pole seda raha väärt.

      1. I would not reccomend the Monks of New Skeet’s books on dog traniing. I have seen too many cases of people who live by that book and treat there animals like trash. I would however reccomend Cesar Milans books, On Talking Terms with Dogs by Turid Rugaas. Currently i am reading Rally-O by Charles L. Kramer, it’s a new kind of traniing. I’m only on the second page but it couldn’t hurt to give it a look.

  31. You must be talking about your wiheinsdld. While i could tell you this. I’m been a auto glass technician for 11 years now. And i seen so much gimmick and buffers that claim to remove scratches from glass. Not one progress from all them. You properly have wiper scratches..Ah. good luck. I recommended you replace it. Believe me you will just waste your money for nothing if you try those so called scratches removal.

    1. Civilian Parking Enforcement is coming to Lincolnshire indiculng Holbeach in the autumn. This will mean that there will be dedicated officers (not Police) whose sole job will be to issue tickets for parking infringements. The legal paperwork to enable this to happen is currently lodged with the government. The scheme will be run by Lincolnshire County Council and has the buy in from all the District Councils in Lincolnshire.

  32. Ka meie jäime oma külastusega Tervises väga rahule.Äärmiselt mõnus veekeskus ja saunad, kus sai koos käia, mitte ei pidanud eraldi osades olema!

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  35. I just want to mention I’m new to weblog and seriously enjoyed this web-site. Very likely I’m going to bookmark your website . You absolutely come with remarkable articles. Thanks a lot for sharing your web page.

  36. I just want to say I am just very new to blogs and definitely savored you’re web-site. Almost certainly I’m going to bookmark your website . You absolutely have awesome posts. Thank you for revealing your webpage.

  37. The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.

  38. The next time I read a blog, I hope that it does not fail me just as much as this particular one. I mean, I know it was my choice to read through, however I truly believed you would probably have something interesting to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of complaining about something you can fix if you were not too busy seeking attention.

  39. Zune and iPod: Most people compare the Zune to the Touch, but after seeing how slim and surprisingly small and light it is, I consider it to be a rather unique hybrid that combines qualities of both the Touch and the Nano. It’s very colorful and lovely OLED screen is slightly smaller than the touch screen, but the player itself feels quite a bit smaller and lighter. It weighs about 2/3 as much, and is noticeably smaller in width and height, while being just a hair thicker.

  40. The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.

  41. Next time I read a blog, Hopefully it doesn’t fail me as much as this one. After all, I know it was my choice to read, nonetheless I really believed you would have something useful to say. All I hear is a bunch of moaning about something that you can fix if you were not too busy looking for attention.

  42. Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.

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  71. The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.

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  84. Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.

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  158. I’ll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)

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  168. The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.

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